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Values validation with Illuminate Validator


This library is in fact an extention for 0.x versions (only!) of the package!


The validation rules for keys values can be added with the value-object-illuminate-validation extension, which introduce support for Illuminate Validation class - more details can be found at

Example of Illuminate Validator use

Lets consider below example:

The static create function seems to be a good way to force the types of stored values - but, unfortunately, it is not (or, at least, it doesn’t solve this problem at whole) - the reason is the function set, which also can be used to “instantiate” (via clone action) new ValueObject and it obviously does not respect the types set in create.

The solution can be to pass the information about types of particular values in keys table - this table can be checked in “validation” function which is invoked in ValueObject’s __construct and set methods - such a solution has been implemented in validator: IlluminateValidationValidator which is available as a separate package: value-object-illuminate-validation.

Of course nesting the Value Objects should also work (the comparison function - implemented by isEqual method - can be checked in test: ValueObjectEqualTest):